Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ten tips for being more truthful

Ten Tips For Being More Truthful 
                              Barbara A Lewis

1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
2. Tell someone about your commitment.
Making a Commitment can be hard to tell the truth because, you don't want to hurt the ones you care and love for but yet you don't want to lie to them as well. Its better to get it off your chest and tell them straight up before they catch you in the act. They might even get more mad fir lying instead of telling them 100 percent. If you think you cant tell that person and need advice go talk to someone. Their your friends so they could hear out your problems.

3.Think before you give a dishonest answer.
Usually people think about themselves all the time than thinking about other peoples feelings because they will get offended really  badly. You in the other hand may be thinking like shes meaner of ect but think about it keeps these comments to yourself because it makes you look bad when you can be a better person about it and ignore it. Even if its the truth about someone leave it alone it shouldn't matter to you.

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration,sarcasm,or irony.
Be careful on the words you spit out to someone if they are being nice to you talk to them with total respect but, if they have a bad attitude then leave it alone and be a better person and ignore or try to talk to them about the situation. to me its better to talk about it because usually when i have problems i tend to talk to someone...not strangers but to a close family member or friend.

5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
You should never spread out any rumors to anymore that's not right at all, but if you do tell the person something like tell them to stop with the rumors, if you hear something bad about your family or friends at school make sure you tell them exactly what they said don't give off wrong information because you will be blamed for it and your friends will end up not talking to you and the rumor person. you wouldn't like that.

Related image6. Don't indulge in little white lies
 Enjoy the little white lies in life be open to anything that you are comfortable with. 
don't over exaggerate on the little lies you tell others. or don't over exaggerate on the lies you say  its better to not say something at that person just stay quite its there problem not yours.

7. Watch out for silent lies 
This means that you would need to watch out with your friends and be careful of what they are saying behind your back because, honestly you cant trust no one but yourself. I had to learn the hard way and find out who my real friends were, but my real ones stayed throughout my problems that's why its better to have a small circle.

8: When you catch yourself lying,throw your mouth into reverse.

    Honestly lying wont you get you anywhere, it might solve the problem for a while but when the truth comes out more problems will occur making you wonder i should have just spoken the truth to that person o stayed quiet and mind my business. If you had lied to that person you might lose that person as a good person in your life because they must of trusted you so much but you just blew it

9. Talk to yourself     If you don't have friends that you could really trust... then talk to yourself. It may not be a good avice of your own but it gives you time to think about yourself and how much you are really worth. I usually don't say much to my friends but when i do its usually not personal.  \.

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth 
 Doesn't it feel good when you tell the truth to someone and it just makes you feel good about yourself, well that has happened to me actually.... I once found a phone at the mall and i had put it in my pocket i knew that was choosing the wrong but i felt pretty bad so when this lady was yelling have you seen my phone, i knew i have to choose the right and give it to her so i told her here you go miss, she then said thanks sweetie and once i saw her smile i felt proud of myself for doing the right thing.

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