Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Becoming your best

                                 The 12 Principals of Highly Successful Leaders  

1. Be true to character 
This means that you should be a better person, be a great leader, lead yourself be a better leader then anyone that you know, you should be your own self because, if you just want to fit in like the rest your just making yourself like other people, its best if you just be a good person and not follow no matter how cool it is , if you like doing that okay that’s good but don’t let people force you to do things just to fit in.

“ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

This quote means that you shouldn’t be telling other people mean stuff or judge them just because there not doing or looking the same as other people. Be a true character and a better leader when you see someone doing this to other people who just want to be themselves and not like everyone like In the 1960’s when the hippies didn’t want to be like a perfect family but yet changed everything and prove people wrong.

2. Use your imagination
This means that you should go beyond of what you are looking forward to. It’s better to have a big imagination in a way because, you look at the stuff that you want which makes them into goals and accomplishments in life. Some people might disagree and say imagination can be dangerous because usually little kids take it more than usual and have fake friends but that’s what keeps us occupied

“I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells” By Dr. Seuss

I think what this quote means is that without a imagination or a thought that’s not possible gets you happy and excited and ready to have real friends and not fake ones inside your head. 

3. Apply the power of knowledge
I think this means that you should apply your knowledge on many things in life because, it could come in handy one day. It’s best to show that you are smart or if you’re not but to me everyone is smart in their own way.

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing”

This means that how are you going to learn if you have not yet many any mistakes or tried out something different to see if your right or wrong.

4. Never give up
This means that you should never give up and always keep trying no matter what because, you will learn from your mistakes as you keep on trying and you would get better at it because you gave yourself another chance to do better, and to improve better in life. Never giving up only makes you stronger than the ones who automatically give up and don’t care. They are called quitters I know for a fact that I do quit often but I recently started to just take a deep breath and relax through the situation and not give up at all.

“Never  give up, and be confident In what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds.”

This quote explains everything that I said before to never give up never let the difficult times kill you it will only make you stronger and better.

5: Find peace and balance
If you want to find peace and balance you will have to be alone and just not care what other people are doing besides yourself. It’s better to stay focused when it’s just about you because, its better to not be stressing out over things and be screaming at others that didn’t do anything with you. I believe everyone should have a day off everything and relax for once and take classes for that or take long walks at the beach just be peaceful with no one around is a good way to start balance and peace.

“No person , no place, and nothing has Any power over us, for we are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.”

This means you will find yourself more than what you thought when you’re better off alone and relax instead of stressed all day.

6. Live the golden Rule
I think this means that you should always obey a rule no matter what. The Golden rule would mean it’s a special rule maybe that golden rule has a prize at the end for obeying it. That rule is special and you should always obey it.

“The golden rule for every business man is this: ‘Put yourself in your costumers place.’

This quote means that you should always be the nicest person in your job. Treat others the way you want to be treated, have respect towards that person because, how would it feel if that bad cursing employee talks smack to your family…that isn’t fair that there treating them with respect and their service 

7: Build and maintain trust
This means that its healthy for you if you build so much trust within yourself and with others because you are building a good bond with that one person and the more you build the more the people would look at you and say she is really someone that I could trust, let people know that you can be trusted.

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Charles spurgeon

 A lie can go around very easily and very fast. while the truth is inside your shoes...

8: Quick to listen slow to wrath
This means that it’s important to listen to the important stuff first than taking you’re your time to know what’s good or wrong…slow to wrath would be like don’t be to slow to make those decisions that are best for you.

“Just be patient. Let the game come to you. Don’t rush. Be quick, but don’t hurry.

This means that you would need to take your decisions really good. You need to think about it first meaning think about your future and not just yourself but others also.

9: Lead With Vision
When you’re considered the leader and you have followers following you that would tell you that those followers see something in you that would probably see well in the future. It’s best if you get to plan what else to do in life first instead of doing it last minute.

“ I find that when you lead with vision and values, engaging employees and showing them that values are just as important as profits, everyone comes on board. And not only do they come on board, but they connect on their own individual creativity.

This quote is saying that those followers/people are just following you maybe because you have  positive vision or because they admire you so much but maybe they have their own thoughts ion life by having creativity.\

10: Manage with a plan
If you’re about to baby sit someone you would need to manage a plan if the family member just left you in charge like nothing but, managing something that hard like baby sitting or especially money. Money is like everything everyone needs it and etc. but managing money may be hard for many teens now in days. You would need to save up and see how much is left that you will have because, I’m  already saving up for a car and I keep wanting something from the stores but, I steal my own money from the piggybank that I have, managing many things is difficult but never impossible.

“Some people manage their writing by saying, ‘I need to get 2,000 words written today,’ others be saying, ‘I will write for x hours.’ Not me. I start with a plan for the book, break it down into scenes, and I know what scenes need to get written each day. If the scene takes more words than I thought, so be it.”

This quote means you need to plan ahead think outside the box for once and break hard situations like that and give yourself a easy time why struggle when you could think differently and it will be less stressing and easy later on in life.

11: Do what matters the most

This means that you should follow your heart and follow what you in general love the most. At the end when we follow what we love turns out to be the greatest choice you could ever do because it could lead you to more than what you expected it to be.

“I would tell young people that in life you can go through many difficulties, but if you know what you want to do, if you can focus and work, then in the end, you will end up doing it. No matter what happens, if you don’t give up, you will still succeed.”

I think this quote means that you shouldn’t stop doing what you really life because at the end you will regret it at the end of the day and wishing you could go back to that day. 

12: Be Accountable
This means that mostly people are behind the screen like computers cellphones there to bust with that when you need to be accountable and see what’s happening now.

When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else.”

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